In ancient legend, the Boswellia tree from which the rich resin called Frankincense flowed was guarded by winged serpents to protect the valuable sap that dripped from its bark. Our Frankincense oil hails from India, where large Boswellia trees rise from the dry, rocky slopes of the Punjab region.
Guard over your own invaluable happiness and mental well being with Frankincense. Use this harmonious earthy aroma to reach back in time, recalling and savouring moments of pure joy to bring back with you to the present.
Create a Sacred Space:
- Add 5-10 drops of frankincense essential oil to your diffuser, depending upon your preference in your diffuser of choice
Carry Ancient Wisdom:
- Dilute frankincense essential oil with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or almond oil, following proper dilution ratios.